The CORE’s camera switcher does not support PPM (we have our reasons for this …) so you will
still need to supply a PWM signal to this channel.
Unbalanced or badly damaged propellers. Please balance your propellers and use high quality
propellers only.
Untrue gimbal. The gimbal must be positioned in parallel to the top and bottom plates. The best
way to ensure alignment is by verifying that the roll motor and bottom plate are parallel – with
camera inside the gimbal! Use the sliding position holes on the bottom plates to adjust.
kV and prop size do not match the damping properties of the installed dampers. Think of the
entire damper layout as accumulating hardness. The green dampers are the softest, red the
medium and orange the hardest. Vary between the colors and layouts, keeping the left and right
half of the gimbal symmetrical (top and bottom do not need to remain symmetrical) to find the
system that works for you. TBS can only ensure proper operation with the TBS-approved setup:
900kV motors, 9x5 Graupner propellers, TBS BULLETPROOF ESCs. All other layouts are subject to
optimization. We did provide various dampers free of charge to allow you to experiment with
any given setup.
The gimbal will go nuts if you have the USB plugged in while cycling power. Always plug the
main battery cable in first, the USB second.
Ensure that the gimbal turns true. If there are any wrongly assembled or bent parts the gimbal
will oscillate and make the motors work harder.
If the gimbal drifts, please download the BASECAM software at
you DISCOVERY PRO to your PC and run the ACC. and Gyro calibration. Ensure that the gimbal is
perfectly still and perfectly straight during this calibration process.
Ensure that there is no shrink wrap in the hole of the ball bearing. Slide it before or after if it
happens to be there. It can hinder the movement of the gimbal.
Should the GB2208 gimbal motor bell not be firmly attached to the shaft, use some sandpaper
to roughen up the shaft and mating hole of the gimbal motor. Secure with Loctite or CA glue.
Apply glue carefully.