v2B e-signed, 10 May 2021
TBS DVB-S2 Receivers EUMETCast LINUX Setup Guide
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In the event that the EUMETCast Europe service is switched from EUTELSAT10 to the
backup satellite HOTBIRD13A adjustments to the configuration of the receiver’s settings
will be required to the receiver devices listed in this document. Additionally, the receiving
antenna must be either re-pointed to HOTBIRD13 or the antenna fitted with dual KU band
LNB’s optimally aligned to EUTELSAT10A and HOTBIRD13C.
The up to date information for all EUMETCast Services is available at following links:
EUMETCast Europe Prime Satellite
EUMETCast Europe Backup Satellite
Please refer to the EUMETCast document TD15 for the latest settings required for
HOTBIRD13 reception.
Before performing the configuration please ensure the following steps have been addressed:
A PC that covers the recommended technical specifications (see
. If the HVS is enabled PC RAM should be > 4 Gb;
A USB 2.0 port is available for connecting the TBS-5925 / TBS-5927 receiver;
A PCIe slot is available for connecting the TBS-6925 / TBS-6983 / TBS-6903 /
TBS-6908 receiver;
Operating System is compliant. The tested Linux distributions in this manual were
UBUNTU LTS 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 and Centos 7 and 8, 32bit version (if
available) and 64 bit versions;
Firefox 35 and higher or any other compatible browser;
Root access to the reception host system;
The EUMETCast antenna pointing to the used satellite has been performed
correctly (see
Physical Connections