What is stored where ?
Global Parameters
Global parameters describe your general working environment:
Inputs used, System delay, Settings for Transmission or
Production etc. Global parameters are not affected by setup or
preset recalls. The parameters include:
- Input and Output Blocks on the Main Page:
Delay, Formats, HP and LP Filters, Rate Conversion, Dither
and Output Fader.
- Parameters in the Utility Page:
Display Angle, RS485, Security, General Purpose Input.
- Parameters in the Tools digital Out Page.
- User Data, Name and Phone and Keyboard lock.
Setup Parameters
Setup parameters describe the interface and Reference Levels in
your environment. Setup parameters are not affected by preset
If you need to deliver the same program to different Output level
conditions, you may keep your preset and load a different setup.
Preset parameters may change with every preset and when the
Wizard is invoked.