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Again, we will use Factory preset #99 for our
experiments. Turn all of the VM effects off for
now by pressing their keys on the front panel.
Press the CORRECT key in preset #99 to turn
on the effect. We have set this up to correct to
a chromatic scale, with a default root of C.
Double Click the CORRECT key and use the
ARROW keys to find the COR Window or
correction window. Sing or play a vocal into
VoiceOne, and adjust this window with the
DATA wheel. You should also work with the
COR Attack and COR Amount parameters to
change the strictness and amount of correction.
Refer to the main User’s Manual to investigate
the other correction scales, entering a custom
scale, and correction via MIDI control.


Shift Amount/Mode

To understand how the shift amount is applied
in the various modes, it is a good idea to be
familiar with how VoiceOne shows the shift
offsets in the various modes. Please refer to
the main manual for details.

In our Quickstart test preset (Factory #99) the
setting is for 

SHI Mode 


. You can

then apply a static shift to the vocal by
changing the SHI Amount. This value is in
cents. 100 cents = one semitone. Experiment
with upshifts and downshifts. When finished,
Press the SHIFT key to return to the top level
screen. Press the CORRECT button to disable
the Pitch Correction.

Now, let’s do an intelligent shift. We’re going to
use a major scale as our basis.
Remember, to hear the effect, the SHIFT key
must be pressed so that the LED lights.
Double-click the SHIFT key, and use the
ARROW keys to find the SHI Mode parameter.

Major 1

with the DATA wheel. With the

Arrow keys, scroll to the SHI Amount
parameter, and select the interval you want to
shift to. Try 


as an experiment. The scale is

in C major, since you haven’t changed the root
note in the Correction section. You should now
hear your input shifted to a diatonic 3rd above
C, depending on the notes you send in. If you
sing C, you should hear E.

There you have a basic hands on
demonstration on how some of the many
functions of VoiceOne are accessed. We
invite you to explore these features in depth
in the main User’s Manual.

Have fun with VoiceOne!

Visit our website for technical support,
literature, information, presets, FAQs,
promotions and many other items related to
TC-Helicon Vocal Products.

Thank You
The TC-Helicon Team
