83503001 Rev G
Route the wires inside the cover to prevent pinching. Fasten the cover to the unit
using the M3x8 Flat Head screws are provided. Refer to Fig.3-4 for details. Tighten
screws securely (4.8 - 4.9LB-inch, 0.54 - 0.55 Nm)
Turn-On Checkout Procedure
3.8.1. General
The following procedure ensures that the power supply is operational and may be used
as a basic incoming inspection check. Refer to Fig. 4-1 and Fig. 4-2 for the location of
the controls indicated in the procedure.
3.8.2. Prior to Operation
a) Ensure that the power supply is configured to the default setting:
AC On/Off switch at Off position.
Dip switch: All positions at Down (“Off”) position.
J2 Sense connector: Configured to Local Sense as shown in Fig. 3-5:
Fig. 3-5: Sense Connector Default Connection
For units equipped with IEEE option, ensure that the IEEE_En switch is in Up
(default) position (Refer to Fig.4-2, item 9 for location), if checkout is to be done
in IEEE mode.
b) Connect the unit to an AC source as described in Section 3.7.
c) Connect a DVM with appropriate cables for the rated voltage to the output
d) Turn the front panel AC power switch to On.
3.8.3. Constant Voltage Check
a) Turn on the output by pressing the OUT pushbutton so the OUT LED illuminates.
b) Observe the power supply VOLT display and rotate the Voltage encoder. Ensure
that the Output Voltage varies while the VOLT encoder is rotated. The minimum
control range is from zero to the maximum rated output for the power supply model.
1 Remote (+) sense
2 Local (+) sense
3 Not connected
4 Local (-) sense
5 Remote (-) sense
Plug P/N: MC 1,5/5-ST-3,81