83503001 Rev G
Minimum voltage is guaranteed to maximum 0.2% of the rated output voltage.
Minimum current is guaranteed to maximum 0.4% of the rated output current.
For cases where conformance to various safety standards (UL, IEC etc.) is required, to
be described as 190-240Vac (50/60Hz) for Single-Phase and 3-Phase 200V models,
and 380~415Vac (50/60Hz) for 3-Phase 400V models.
Single-Phase and 3-Phase 200V models: at 200Vac input voltage
3-Phase 400V: at 380Vac input voltage. With rated output power.
Not including EMI filter inrush current, less than 0.2mSec.
Single-Phase and 3-Phase 200V models: 170~265Vac, constant load.
3-Phase 400V models: 342-460Vac, constant load.
From No-load to Full-load, constant input voltage. Measured at the sensing point in
Remote Sense.
For 8V~300V models: measured with JEITA RC-9131A (1:1) probe.
For 600V model: measured with 10:1 probe.
From 10% to 90% or 90% to 10% of rated output voltage, with rated, resistive load.
*10. From 90% to 10% of rated output voltage with resistive load.
*11. For load voltage change, equal to the unit voltage rating, constant input voltage.
*12. For 8V~15V models the ripple is measured at 2V rated output voltage and rated output
current. For other models, the ripple is measured at 10~100% of rated output voltage
and rated output current.
*13. The constant current programming readback and monitoring accuracy does not include
the warm-up and load regulation thermal drift.
Supplemental Characteristics
The supplemental characteristics give typical but non-warranted performance characteristics.
The supplemental characteristics are useful in assessing applications for the power supply.
Several kinds of supplemental characteristics are listed below.
1. Evaluation Data: Typical performance of the power supply.
2. Reliability Data: Reliability Performance of the power supply.
3. EN61000 Data: Performance of the power supply under EN61000 test conditions.
4. EMI Data: Typical EMI (conducted and radiated) performance of the power supply.
The supplemental characteristics data is held in each TDK-Lambda Americas Inc. sales and
service facility. For further details please contact the TDK-Lambda Americas Inc. office
nearest you.