Tyco Electronics Corporation
300 Constitutional Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
No: RPIP-824-00
Rev: F
Date: April 28, 2006
Page: 2 of 11
© 2005-2006 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
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The heating tool and the assembly become hot during the installation of
the SolderSleeve One-Step Wire and Cable Terminators. To prevent burns,
allow tool and the assembly to cool down before handling.
4.1 Shield
4.1.1 Cable
1. Remove length specified in Table I of the cable jacket at the point where the termination is
to be made.
Center Stripped
End Stripped
2. Remove length specified in Table I of insulation from the end of the ground lead. (If part
has pre-installed lead, omit this step.)
4.1.2 Assembly
1. Position the one-step soldersleeve shield terminator so that the solder preform is centered
over the exposed shield.
2. Position the lead to be attached between the solder and the exposed shield.
3. Allow the application equipment to reach the operating temperature.
4. Place the assembly centrally in the reflector.
5. Heat the solder preform until it melts and forms a fillet between the lead and the shield.