4.7.1 Authentication
Many e-mail servers require the user to be
authenticated before sending any e-mails.
TrueNet provides for two authentication
methods. The first is using a Login and
The second method is ‘POP before SMTP’,
which logs in to the POP server (without
retrieving any mail) to authenticate the
user before sending e-mail via the SMTP
server (hence POP before SMTP). This
method also allows you to specify your POP server if it’s different than your SMTP server
(most are the same). In either case, the address of your POP server must be entered
: If your System is unable to send e-mail, check with the e-mail service
provider for any logs of why this may be failing. They will usually be able to tell you how
to correct the problem (i.e. your password is wrong) or configure the server to allow e-
mails to be sent correctly.
E-mails require access to the network, and often to the Internet. It is important
that your network settings are correct, and that a valid
server and Gateway are
entered. When using DHCP mode, these will usually be set automatically.
In addition to users receiving e-mail notifications about their own jobs, there is a ‘Copy
ALL E-Mails to’ address that will receive copies of all e-mails sent to users by the System.
This is useful for administrators to monitor the System usages. A further e-mail address
is provided for e-mails specific to System errors in addition to an e-mail address
dedicated to jobs run via the LCD/Touchpad (also known as the ‘Console’).
4.7.2 Copy-All E-Mails
TrueNet allows the administrator to setup some ‘Copy All’
e-mail addresses. The first of these is the ‘Copy all Errors’
setting. In the event the system generates ‘unhandled
error’ e-mails, the System can send a copy of those e-mails
to a specified address in addition to the user whose job has
encountered the error. This is useful if you need a
technician to attend the machine automatically in cases of
hardware errors, such as a recorder failure. Recorders are consumable items and may
need replacing from time to time.
In addition to error e-mails, there is an option to copy ALL e-mails to a given e-mail
account so that all e-mails for job start, job complete, etc. are also copied to this address
as well as to the user whose job the e-mails apply to.