1) Band and channel selection
To select another radio band depress out of the keys Down ( 4 ) 7 times or
Up once. The display shows the writing . Then depress briefly the confir-
mation and On/Off key ( 5 ). Then the display shows the writings . On the
left side of the writing “CH“ you see an arrow, which can be moved with the help of the
Up/Down keys ( 4 ) either to the left side of the writing “Band“ or back to the left side
of the writing “CH“. For the activation of the band selection put the arrow to the left
side of the writing “Band“ and then depress the confirmation key ( 5 ). Then the dis-
play shows the writings or , depending on which one of the two bands the
actual band is. With the help of the keys ( 4 ) you can toggle between both indicati-
ons. Then depress the confirmation key ( 5 ) for the final selection of the indicated
band. Now the display shows or , depending on which one of the two
bands you selected before. The “8“ stands for the number of the actual channel of the
actual band. By the help of the Up/Down keys ( 4 ) the channels 1 to 8 of the PMR
band or the channels 1 to 69 of the LPD band can be changed in the wanted direc-
tion in a ring like system. Press the confirmation key ( 5 ) to select the desired chan-
nel, and the display will return to the main screen. Now the channel number appears
at the position ( F ) and the frequency band at the position ( B ). The symbol “P”
means PMR mode and the “L” means LPD mode. The channel number of the not sel-
ected band remains stored.