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Servicing the Differentials
The 8IGHT-T 2.0 RTR is equipped with heavy-duty differential cases that are filled with silicone oil inside of all
three differentials. To understand how each differential needs to be removed please refer to the illustrated
8IGHT-T 2.0 Race Roller Manual that is included with the model. It is recommended after 4 to 6 hours of use to
check the differential fluid levels of each differential. Simply open each differential to check the fluid level and
top off if needed. The 8IGHT-T 2.0 RTR comes with Losi Silicone Diff Fluid 7000 wt (LOSA5281) in the front
differential, 10000 wt (LOSA5282) in the center differential, and 3000 wt (LOSA5279) in the rear differential.
Rebuilding/Refilling the Shocks
The 8IGHT-T 2.0 RTR comes with oil filled shocks. The oil in the shocks is 35 wt and should be replaced with Losi
35 wt oil (LOSA5225). Instructions on shock assembly are located on page 19 in the 8IGHT-T 2.0 Race Roller Manual
that is included with the vehicle.
Fuel Tank
The 8IGHT-T 2.0 RTR comes
preinstalled with a fuel tank insert to
meet ROAR and RC Pro Series 150cc
fuel tank rules. If you are not racing
your 8IGHT-T 2.0 RTR where these rules
apply, you can remove the insert to
allow for an additional 5cc of fuel for
longer run times.
Fuel Tank