Technical description Prizrak-5S BT
Pulse to latch aftermarket door pin locks
A pulse of 0,8 seconds is generated after the vehicle is armed by the OEM remote
Pulse to unlatch door pin locks
A pulse of 0.8 sec duration is formed after the vehicle is disarmed by the OEM remote and
the tag is detected
Vehicle’s CDL unlocking blockage if a tag is not in range (N.O. relay control)
A constant level signal is formed after the tag is detected and the vehicle is unlocked by
the OEM remote. The signal is present: while the CAN-bus is active; if the service mode
is on; the authentication method is: «PIN code». The signal will vanish after arming the
vehicle from OEM remote
Vehicle’s CDL unlocking blockage if a tag is not in range (N.C. relay control)
A constant level signal is formed after arming the vehicle from the OEM remote. The sig
nal will vanish after the tag is detected and the vehicle is unlocked from the OEM remote
Hazard lights – alternative control
Pulses are generated if there is no control over hazard lights via CAN-bus in a certain
vehicle. The function is automatically configured to the output after the module is in
terfaced with a vehicle, but it can be configured manually if needed. This programmable
output is connected to the output of hazard lights control button or to the hazard lights
lamps (refer to the Integrator)
CDL locking (lock/unlock) – alternative control
A «lock» pulse is formed to latch the door locks with a double wire control scheme or to
lock and unlock for a single wire control scheme. The function is used if it is impossible
to control the power door locks in a vehicle via CAN-bus. The function is automatically
configured to a programmable output after the immobilizer is interfaced with a vehicle,
but also may be programmed manually if needed
CDL unlocking – alternative control
A pulse is formed to unlock the power door locks with a double wire control scheme. The
function is used when there is no control over door locks via CAN-bus. The function is
automatically configured to a programmable output after the immobilizer is interfaced
with a vehicle., but also may be programmed manually if needed
Wired engine locking
The operating algroithm for the output is adjusted in the «Hardware features configutra
tion» - the option №2.
Available settings:
the output generates a signal to control a standard relay with N.C. or N.O. terminals
for vehicle immobilization;
the output №11 (white/black) can be configured to carry out the TP-BUS functions
which will allow to control the hood compartment module HCU-230. In this case an
engine locking relay will be controlled with the HCU-230 module
Is not used
Engine locking (immobilization) by start/stop button push imitation.
If the «AntiHiJack» function is triggered the output will generate a signal and the vehicle
will be immobilized when it comes to a complete stop.
In case if the «Immobilizer» function is triggered the output will generate a signal when
the gear selector is put to «R» or «D» (for vehicles equipped with an automatic transmis-
sion) or when the vehicle is driven off without carrying out an authentication procedure
(for manual-shift vehicles). The output will stop generating a signal as soon as the ve-
hicle is immobilized. In case if there is no vehicle speed data on the vehicle’s CAN-bus
— the output will generate a pulse signal the next time the engine is started — according
to the «Immobilizer» function algorithms
Extarnal buzzer control
An output with the programmed function «Extarnal buzzer control» will generate pulses
according to the built-in buzzer algorithms. After taht, the built in buzzer will stop oper