TECNO A675_T430
Timeout: edit timeout value, range from 30 to 300 seconds.
Show pictures: whether to show internet images or not.
Cookies: Save or not save all the internet cookies..
Security settings
Restore browser settings: Reset all browser Settings
2.23 Files
Phone /Memory card
Open phone / Memory card.
Format: Format
Phone /Memory card.
Rename: rename the T-Flash.
Details: show details of T-Flash.
Choose file after use function
Play/Open Ebook/View: to open the file.
Image information: show image information.
Use as: use the file as ringtone, wallpaper and so on.
Send: send current file by via Bluetooth.
New folder: create a new archive under the current folder.
Rename: rename the current file.
Delete: delete a single file or a single folder.
Sort by: sort the folder by name, type, time or size
Mark several: You can delete, copy, move, send the file marked
Copy: copy the files or folders to any position.
Move: move the files or folders to any position.
Delete all files: delete all the files or folders in the current folder.
Details: check the details of the files or folders.
2.24 Bluetooth
The phone is equipped with the Bluetooth technology, and supporting ear bud
mode, text transferring mode and other modes. Bluetooth menu settings as
Power: open or close Bluetooth.
Visibility: On/off Bluetooth visibility.
My device: the list of devices being connected.
Service list: list the service if support.
Rename: Edit name of current hands-free device.
Delete: Delete selected hands-free device.
Delete all: Delete all the hand-free devices in the list.
Search audio device: Search for the current Bluetooth hands-free devices.
My name: Edit Bluetooth name.
Advanced: Choose advanced Bluetooth services.