_ TECNOEKA Srl _________________________________________________________ use and instruction manual _
_ page 10 ________________________________________________________________________________________
Connection of power cable
Mod. KCP96 V - KCP96 VS – KCR 96 V - The terminal board is on the rear panel of the
appliance. Open the terminal board cover by obtaining leverage with a screwdriver on the two
side fins. Loosen the cable gripper screw and allow the cable to pass through it. Arrange the
conductors so that the earth conductor is the last to detach from its terminal if the cable goes
into a state of faulty traction.
Connect the phase conductor to the terminal marked with the letter "L", the neutral
conductor to the terminal marked with the letter "N" and the earth conductor to the terminal
marked with the symbol
. Tighten the ring-nut of the cable gripper and close the terminal
board cover. The appliance must be connected to an equipotential system whose efficiency
must first be checked according to current legal regulations. This connection must be made
between different appliances by using the appropriate terminal marked with the symbol . The
equipotential conductor must have a minimum diameter of 10 mm
The equipotential terminal
is at the rear of the appliance. When the appliance is operating, the supplied voltage must not
deviate from the nominal voltage value of ±10%.
Mod. KCP5 96 V – KCP5 96 VS – KC 96 V – KC 96 VS – KC 96 M – KC 96 MS - For access to
the terminal board, remove the rear panel of the appliance. Loosen the cable gripper and allow
the cable to pass through. Locate the conductors so that the earth cable is the last to detach
from its terminal in the event of reverse pulling. Connect the phase conductors on the terminals
marked “L1” and “L2”, the neutral conductor to the terminal marked “N”, and the earth
conductor to the terminal marked with symbol
according to the following lay-out:
380 - 400V~ 2N
(this electrical connection lay-out is also available near the power supply terminal board).
Tighten the cable gripper and re-fit the rear panel of the appliance. The appliance must be
connected to an unipotential system whose efficiency must be suitably verified according to
current legal regulations.
This connection must be made between different appliances using the terminal marked with
the symbol . The unipotential conductor must have minimum diameter of 10 mm
. The
unipotential terminal is located low down at the rear of the appliance.
The power cable must comply with the following characteristics:
KCP96 V – KCP96 VS
KCR 96 V
KCP5 96 V – KCP5 96 VS – KC 96 V – KC 96 VS
KC 96 M – KC 96 MS
Power supply voltage (V~)
220 – 230
380 – 400 2N
Power cable diameter 3x1.5
Type of power cable H07RN-F
Safety device - The appliance is supplied with a manually resetting thermal breaker to protect
against excessive, dangerous temperatures which could be accidentally generated inside the
oven. If tripped, the device cuts out electrical power to the appliance. To access this device,
remove the panel at the rear of the appliance.