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User instructions
Function access
Standard mode
Hold press the key corresponding to the function for two seconds. Led
remains on.
Dual code:
Input a valid code that’s not the Manager code, hold press the key
corresponding to the function for two seconds. Led remains on.
: for the functions in which the Manager code is needed, it’s possible to access even by
inputing the Manager code and pressing and holding the last digit. Led remains on. Press the
key corresponding the desired function.
Lock opening
It is recommended to change the factory code before use and safely store the new code.
Manager & standard users:
Enter an opening code. The keypad beeps twice.
If programmed, the time delay counting begins.
At the end of time delay, the open window counting begins.
Enter a code during the opening window (2 codes in case of dual code
opening). The keypad beeps twice and the lock can be opened.
Override user:
Enter a opening code. Time delay counting begins.
Input the override user code (and the Dallas key if programmed) or the
override Dallas key (if only Dallas override user). The keypad beeps twice
and the lock can be opened.
Change code
It is recommended to always perform this operation with door open.
Press and hold
until the double beep. The led remains on.
Enter the old code (and the Dallas key if programmed). The keypad beeps
Enter the new code (and the Dallas key if programmed). The keypad
beeps twice.
Confirm the new code (and the Dallas key if programmed). The keypad
beeps twice and led switches off.
: it’s possible to associate a new Dallas key and keep the old code. Perform a change
code operation keeping the code unchanged but placing a new dallas key.