Technical maintenance of the fan is carried out only after disconnecting it from the power supply.
Technical maintenance includes the periodic cleaning of the surface of the fan to remove dust and dirt.
The synthetic filter requires replacement in case of clogging, but not less than once every 6 months.
To clean the aluminium filter, it is necessary to:
remove the cover with the filter (fig. 32)
remove the filter (fig.33), wash it using the lukewarm detergent solution (fig. 34), then dry it;
install the filter in the cover, then insert the grill until it clicks (fig.35);
install the grill on the fan.
È necessario conservare il ventilatore nell’imballaggio dell’azienda produttrice in un locale arieggiato con la
temperatura da + 5°C fino a 40°C ed umidità relativa dell’area non più del 60% (con 20°C).
La presenza nell’aria di vapori acidi, sali alcalini ed altre sostanze aggressive non è accettabile.
Il produttore non e’ responsabile dei danni causati utilizzando il ventilatore con destinazione sbagliata
oppure nel caso di grave intervento meccanico. Il proprietario del ventilatore deve attenersi alle istruzioni.
The fan must be kept in the packaging supplied by the manufacturer in a well-ventilated room at a temperature between
+5°C and +40°C and relative humidity below 60% (at 20°C).
The presence of acid vapours, alkaline salts and other aggressive substances in the air is not acceptable.
The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the improper use of the fan or in the
event of severe mechanical interventions. The owner of the fan must follow the instructions.