N3 Drive Operations Manual
A (Advanced) Parameter Details; A012
– A019
Starting Method Selection
0000: Normal Start
0001: Enable Speed Search
1.) A012 = 0000
At start, the inverter accelerates from 0 to the target frequency in the set time.
2.) A012 = 0001
At start, the inverter accelerates to the target the frequency from the detected speed of the motor.
Momentary Power Loss and
0000: Momentary Power Loss and
Restart Disable
0001: Momentary Power Loss and Restart is
0002: Momentary Power Loss and
Restart Enable while CPU is Operating.
Momentary Power Loss Ride-
Thru Time(seconds)
0.0 - 2.0 sec.
1.) If the input voltage drops below the under voltage threshold level, the motor inverter will coast to stop. If the
input voltage recovers within the A014 preset time, the motor will spin start from the trip frequency, or the inverter
will trip with ‘LV-C’ being displayed.
2.) The allowable power loss time differs with ratings of the various models. The range is from 1 to 2 seconds.
3.) A013 = 0000: If power is lost, the inverter will not start.
4.) A013 = 0001: If the power loss time is less than the value of A014 the inverter will Spin Start in 0.5 second
when the power is re-supplied, and the number of restart times is unlimited.
5.) A013 = 0002: if the power is lost but is reapplied
the inverter loses control power, the inverter will restart
according to the settings of b000, and A017 and the status of the external switch.
Note: If b000=0001, A017=0000 and A013=0001 or 0002 and power is lost for an extended time, disconnect the
power to the drive to avoid injury to personnel and equipment when power is re-applied.
A015 Direct run after power up
0000: Enable Direct Run After Power Up
0001: Disable Direct Run After Power Up
1.) A015 = 0000: If the inverter is set to external terminal control (b000 = 0001), the inverter will auto-
start if the run switch is ON when power is applied. It is recommended that the run switch be turned
to OFF to avoid injury to personnel or equipment when power is applied.
2.) A015 = 0001: If the inverter is set external terminal control (b000 = 0001), the inverter will not
auto-start i
f the run switch is ON when power is applied and the display will flash ‘STP1’. In
this case it is necessary to disconnect power and turn the run switch OFF and then restart.
A016 Delay-ON Timer (seconds)
0 - 300.0 sec.
On power up with A015 = 0000, the inverter will perform auto restart after the delay time selected by A016.
A017 Auto restart method
0000: Enable Speed Search
0001: Normal Start
1.) A017 = 0000: The inverter will detect motor speed and accelerate to the set frequency.
2.) A017 = 0001: The inverter will accelerate from stop (zero speed) to set frequency.
A018 Number of Auto restart Attempts
0 - 10 times
A019 Auto restart Delay Time (seconds)
0 - 800.0 sec.
1.) A018 = 0
The inverter will not auto restart after fault trip.