N3 Drive Operations Manual
(Advanced) Parameter Details; A149
– A156
A149: Sets the percentage level for the feedback signal loss detection. The Error in percent = (Set point
feedback value). When the error is larger than the loss level setting, the feedback signal is considered lost.
A150: Sets the minimum time window to consider the feedback signal lost
A151: Sets the integral limit percentage to prevent the PID from saturating.
A152 = 0: As the PID feedback value reaches the set point, the integrator will not be reset to 0.
A152 = 0001 or 0030: As the PID feedback value reaches the set point, the integrator will be reset to 0 in the time
selected and inverter stops. The inverter will run again when the feedback value differs from the set point value.
A153= 0 - 100% unit value: After the integrator resets to 0 the error margin will restart.
Note: The signal type V or I is set via switches SW2 and SW3 on the control board.
A155: Sets the sleep threshold frequency.
A156: Sets the time for sleep delay.
1.) When the PID output frequency is less than the sleep threshold frequency A155 exceeding the time of sleep
delay set by A156, the inverter will decelerate to 0 and enter PID sleep mode. When the PID output frequency
is greater than the sleep threshold frequency A155 the inverter will reactivate and enter the PID wake mode.
The time diagram is shown in the first fig, on the next page.
2.) Parameters A140 = 1(PID enable), A049 = 20(PID feedback enable), b004 = PID setting frequency source
(target value) are set as shown in first fig, on the next page
Feedback Loss Detection
Mode (%)
– 100 %
Feedback Loss Detection
Delay Time (sec.)
0.0 -25.5 Sec.
A151 Integrator Limit Value (%)
– 109 %
Integrator Reset to 0 when
Feedback Signal Equals the
set point
0000: Disable
0001: 1 Sec.
0030: 30 Sec.
Allowable Integration Error
Margin (Unit Value) (1 Unit =
0 - 100
A154 AIN and AI2 Signal Type
0000: AIN = 0 - 10V or 0 - 2 0 m A,
AI 2 = 0 - 10V or 0 - 2 0 m A
0001: AIN = 0 - 10V or 0 - 2 0 m A,
AI 2 = 2 - 10V or 4 - 2 0 m A
0002: AIN = 2 - 10V or 4 - 2 0 m A,
AI 2 = 0 - 10V or 0 - 2 0 m A
0002: AIN = 2 - 10V or 4 - 2 0 m A,
AI 2 = 2 - 10V or 4 - 2 0 m A
Sleep Function Operation Level
– 400.00 Hz
A156 Sleep Function Delay Time (sec.)
– 25.5 Sec.