14.2.1. Visual inspection of the device
Visual inspection:
Observation that there are no visible safety-related defects.
Danger arising from the ready to operate condition of the device.
Follow the procedure as described in the chapter “Set to maintenance state”.
The following steps must be carried out in the course of the visual inspection:
Ensure that all parts are firmly connected.
Check all metal parts for corrosion or damages / changes of the coating.
Visual inspection of the control and operating elements as well as the outside running cables for
14.2.2. Functional test of the device
Possible material damage due to faulty condition of the unit.
Carry out a visual inspection before the functional test of the device as described in the
previous chapters.
The work as described in the chapter “Commissioning” must be finished.
The following steps must be carried out in the course of the functional test:
Switch on the device.
Pay attention to extraneous noises or vibrations during the device´s operation.
Check if the collection of the ambient air is sufficient. (Visual inspection).
14.2.3. Electrical test of the electrical lines and earthing connections
Danger arising from electricity.
The operator is responsible for ensuring that all work on electric components is carried out
by authorised and qualified personnel.
The device is subject to regular electrical checks by the operator of the device, and are subject to
national standards of the different countries.
The here recommended maintenance interval complies with the in Germany applying "Regulation 3 of
the German Social Accident Insurance - Electrical plants and equipment" (formerly known as BGV-A3).
The check must only be carried out by a qualified electrician or a person trained in electrics using
suitable measuring and test devices. The scope of testing and the methods must be in line with the
respective national standard. All contacts in the control cabinet must be checked for tight fit, and must
be readjusted if necessary.