Analyzing waveforms
Build your math expression using the
lter you selected.
When you have de
ned the expression
to your satisfaction, click
Quick tips
Double clicking on a math expression opens the Math Equation Editor.
Math de
nitions are not implemented if the sources are not valid.
Math waveforms are created from analog channel, reference, math source waveforms and from measurements.
Digital channels are not valid in math waveforms. However iCapture waveforms are valid in math waveforms.
Use Digital Properties to set the digital threshold of analog channels.
Measurements are taken on math waveforms in the same way as on channel waveforms.
Math waveforms derive their horizontal scale and position from the sources in their math expressions. Adjusting these
controls for the source waveforms also adjusts the math waveform.
If Autoscale is not checked, vertical scale and position are not calculated when a math waveform is turned on or the
math equation is changed.
Magnify math waveforms using MultiView Zoom; use the mouse for positioning the zoomed area.
See the online help for more information on arbitrary math
MSO/DPO70000DX, MSO/DPO70000C, DPO7000C, and MSO/DPO5000B Series User Manual