OneStream Programming Guide
System Information
Displays information about the OneStream unit including Serial number, IP address and firmware
Lists all of the physical interfaces (GSM/FXS/FXO/NT/TE) available and shows their current status.
SIP Networks
The SIP Networks section displays the current status of all SIP network registrations that have
been setup on the OneStream unit. This will show whether the unit has registered successfully or
whether there is a problem that is preventing registration, such as the wrong password being
entered in the Group or if a firewall is blocking the port being used for registration.
Note that only SIP groups where the “Registration Required” checkbox has been checked will be
shown on this page.
SIP Extensions
The SIP Extensions section will list all SIP Extensions that have been setup using the Groups tab.
The status of each extensions will be shown (whether it is registered successfully to the OneStream
or not) and for each registered extension the IP Address will be displayed.