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Chapter 4: Installing the Cable
Management Kits
WARNING! Failure to properly ground the enclosure can create hazardous conditions for
installation personnel and to the equipment.
ALERT! You will need to order and install one of the following cable management kits.
4.1 Installing the Generic
External Cable Management
Kit (IOE-ACCS-006-G)
Procedure steps:
1. Unpack the cable trays and hard-
ware and locate the following parts:
1 bottom support tray and cover
1 right-hand tray and cover
1 left-hand tray and cover
17 button-head security screws
17 lock washers
17 flat washers
4 liquid-tight cord grips
2. Install the side channels first.
3. Using the provided hardware, fin-
ger-tighten the security screws,
with their flat and lock washers, at
the top and bottom brackets, as
4. Screw in the four remaining securi-
ty screws and washers.
5. Fit the bottom channel into place
and secure to the frame with the security
hardware provided.
Figure 21 - Removing the Covers