3 – Operating software
DPN 402197 Issue 7.1
© Teledyne Limited
3- 3
The topside computer has four serial communication ports that it uses to communicate with external
and peripheral equipment. The standard assignations for these ports are as follows. You may change
these if necessary.
COM1 is used to pass serial communications between the SEP and the topside computer.
COM2 is used to accept serial data from any compatible altimeter that is not connected directly
to the SEP. See
for instructions to configure an altimeter and set its communi-
cation parameters.
COM3 is used to connect the topside computer to a separate user-supplied data logger. You
should use a data logger to record the survey measurements acquired by the 350 System. See
for instructions to configure DeepView for data logging and to set appropriate
communication parameters.
COM5 is used by the topside computer to communicate with the video overlay card.
DeepView allows you to set the communication parameters for each of the serial ports. Choose
settings that are appropriate for the connected equipment – refer to the technical manuals of the
attached equipment if necessary. Note that the standard communication parameters for COM1, the
communication link between the topside computer and the SEP are set to operate at 9600 baud using
8 data bits, two stop bits and no parity.
The update rate for your system will reduce if you set a lower baud rate for this
communication link. You should consider reducing the baud rate for this link only if
you experience persistent communication problems caused by an umbilical cable
of poor quality. Ideally, in these circumstances you should swap to using an umbil-
ical cable of good quality instead.
At this point the software will provide an analysis of the data status and will provide you with a
summary screen of the findings that it has established.