4 – Operating Procedure
© Teledyne Limited
DPN 402197 Issue 7.1
Log all survey data. The main function of the 350 system is to acquire and log survey data for
subsequent analysis. You should use the external data logging facility to store the primary sur-
vey log.
Perform regular checks on the signal received at the tone frequency. Take any action neces-
sary to restore deteriorating performance.
Operate the ROV and the 350 System so as to control those factors that might degrade the
survey results. See
for some important operational considerations.
4.3.1 Data Logging
To provide the post-processing engineers with a detailed account of the survey it is important to
maintain a full log of events as they occur during a survey.
The survey log should therefore include:
The data logged to an external logger
The video recording of the 350 system installation and configuration procedures (if one has
been made)
The video recordings from cameras on board the ROV
Details of any events, such as ROV collisions, that may have occurred during the survey, and
the effect that they may have had upon the survey. You should also record any corrective
action taken.
Printed or hand-written sheets containing the system configuration details that were taken at
the start and at the end of the survey.
Any other information requested by the survey planning team.
4.3.2 Replay Logged Data
You cannot use DeepView to replay externally logged files.
To replay a previously logged data file you have to select Open/Close Replay file [F2] from the file
option from within DeepView. This will provide you with the following dialog box to select the file you
require. The location of these files by default is a Logs folder within the DeepView for Windows
directory, but this can be changed by the user to another directory.
Externally logged data files include data packets of fixed length that supply all the information required
for a full analysis of the survey. The file includes target co-ordinates, signal values and important
quality control information generated by the 350 system during the survey. You should use this logging
method to generate the primary survey recording.
Externally logged files will usually be stored on a separate data logger along with files generated by
other items of survey equipment. The data logger will time stamp data packets that it receives so that
the records may be synchronised accurately during the analysis operation. For this reason, DeepView
does not include a time field in the external data packets. See
for a description of the
external logging format.