October 2017
RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide
Page 90
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
CB – Serial Port Control
Sets the RS-232/422 serial port communications parameters (Baud Rate/Parity/Stop
nnn = baud rate, parity, stop bits (see description)
Recommended Setting.
The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications
and 115200 baud is required for Bluetooth operation.
The RiverPro/RioPro and the computer MUST use the same communication parameters
Changing the Baud Rate in the ADCPs
). After valid CB parame-
ters are entered, the RiverPro/RioPro responds with a “>” prompt. Then change the ex-
ternal device’s communication parameters to match the RiverPro/RioPro parameters be-
fore sending another command.
Table 11:
Serial Port Control
Baud Rate
Stop Bits
1 = 1200
1 = None (Default)
1 = 1 Bit (Default)
2 = 2400
2 = Even
2 = 2 Bits
3 = 4800
3 = Odd
4 = 9600
4 = Low (Space, logical 0)
5 = 19200
5 = High (Mark, logical 1)
6 = 38400
7 = 57600
8 = 115200 (Default)
If a BREAK is sent before changing the external device’s communication parameters, the
RiverPro/RioPro returns to the communication parameters stored in non-volatile memory
(user settings).