Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
Copy Ch1
(Ch N)
This button copies all the channel settings to the
other channels. When you press the button a dialogue window appears to
Confirm or Cancel the operation.
As example on four channel models, you can copy the channel 1 into
channel 2,3,4 or the channel 2 into channel 1,3,4 depending on the current
selected one.
Note: this button is in the More menu on four/eight channel model.
Settings Button
Use this button to open the
Clock Settings
Marker Settings
Import Button
Use this button to open the page where you can import a
waveform from a file and use it as Carrier Waveform, Modulation Law or
Sweep Profile. (For more information, please refer to the relative section).
Note: this button is in the More menu on the four/eight channel model.
Use this button to restore the default value of all parameters of
the instrument.
Note: this button is in the More menu on the four/eight channel model.
Numeric Keyboard Button
Use this button to enable or disable the virtual
numeric keyboard.
Note: this button is in the More menu on the four/eight channel model.
More Button
Use this button to have access to other instrument features.
These buttons are explained in the following table.
More Button Menu Items
Exit Button
Press this button to close the application.
Full/Float Button
press this button to maximize or reduce the
application screen; in this way you can access to Windows OS.
Load From Button
Use this button to load a configuration file. (For
more information, please refer to the relative section).