Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
Marker Out behaviour in Burst Run Mode
In this Run Mode, the
Marker Out
generates a pulse with a duration equal to the duration of the burst
sequence or to the gate time duration (time when the Trigger signal is at High level).
the marker’s width parameter is meaningless while the maximum marker’s skew is 3us.
Es.1: in the following picture the gated mode operation is shown. From top to bottom there are:
C3 (blue trace) is the Trigger signal source from the external Trigger In 1 connector.
C2 (red trace) is the generated signal.
C1 (yellow trace) is the marker out.
Burst Gated with Trigger from external Trigger In 1
Es.2: in the following picture the 1-Cycle Burst mode operation is shown. A sine wave carrier (frequency
= 1Mhz) is generated using the internal timer (interval = 5 us).
Marker out (blue, top) synchronous with 1-Cycle Burst (red, bottom)