© 2010 –
2012 Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 1.01 January 2012
– Page 2 of 5 –
Pre-Installation Planning
3.1.1 Capacity Planning
Ensure that the total number of initiating devices (detectors, switches, call point, etc.)
does not exceed the maximum allowed per detection zone, floor area, or other
limitations as specified by the applicable standards and regulations. Ensure that the
ADR-3000 has an available address for each detector.
3.1.2 Cabling Planning
The detector is connected to the control panel via a TFB-180 standard detector base via
a two-wire connection (the control panel's SLC loop). The detector has an output for
activating a TFL-1AN Auxiliary Signaling Indicator for Analog Addressable Detectors. It
is recommended that you use a twisted pair cable for SLC connection. Please look at
the technical manuals of the TFB-180 and TFL-1AN for additional details about
connecting the SLC cables and TFL-1AN to the base.
Notify the operator or the security personnel that the system will be temporary
disconnected before adding detectors to the control panel.
3.2.1 Address Programming
Assign the TFO-480A’s address in the range of 1 – 127 prior to installation by using the
PROG-4000 Analog Addressable Detector and Accessory Programmer. Please refer to
the PROG-4000 manual for additional details.
3.2.2 ADR-3000 Configuration
Configure the detector as “
Photoelectric Detector
” in the ADR-3000. Configure the
detector’s sensitivity at the control panel (“0.8” – most sensitive, “2.0” – least sensitive”) ,
if required.
Please refer to the ADR-3000 technical manual for a detailed description of
programming and configuration.
3.2.3 Location
The TFO-480A is designed to protect indoor fire risk areas, except environments where
smoke, steam, dust, or corrosive gasses are present under normal conditions.
Photoelectric smoke detectors should be used for detecting smoldering fires in corridors
and along escape routes, wood- or paper stores, electric cabinets, etc., They should not
be used in steamy, dusty, or smoky areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, saunas,
laundries, etc.
Observe NFPA 72 guidelines and local fire codes when installing the TFO-480A.
When installing a TFO-480A smoke detector on a slanted (up to 45°) ceiling that allows
free flow of smoke (i.e., there are no beams or other obstacles) the detector should be
installed parallel to the flow line of the ceiling, and not horizontally. For ceilings with
impediments to free smoke flow please refer to the relevant local fire code standard.
Use only Telefire's TFB-180 Standard Detector Base.
For remote signaling use only Telefire's TFL-1NA Auxiliary Signaling Indicator for Analog
Addressable Detectors.