TSA-200 / TSA-200XT / TSA-240 / TSA-240XT
© 2010 –
2014 Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 1.06 July 2014
Page 50 of 79
Stops the action of the internal buzzer
Switches ON the "Silence" LED
Turns off Sounders LED
14.2.5 Resetting an Alarm
Resetting an alarm can be done by pressing the
key and entering the operator's
14.2.6 Action during a Second Alarm (Two Zone Coincidence)
When receiving a second alarm, (i.e., both zones in alarm concurrently), the Control and
Indicating Equipment (CIE) perform the following operations
Reactivation of all silenced output
Activating the relevant Open Collector output
For the TSA-200XT / TSA-240XT, entering the Pre Discharge Warning Time, or
triggering the extinguisher output, if the Extinguishing Delay is programmed to zero.
Pre Discharge Warning Time (Extinguishing Delay)
In the TSA-200XT / TSA-240XT, (which contains an extinguishing module) If an alarm
occurs in the second zone, the decision group is asserted, and If the extinguishing delay
is programmed ON, the CP enters the Pre Discharge Warning Time.
By default, the Pre Discharge Warning time, (The Extinguishing Delay), is 0 seconds.
If the extinguishing delay is programmed to zero, the CP enters the Activated
(Releasing) state (triggers the extinguisher) immediately, skipping the Pre Discharge
Warning Time.
During the Pre-Discharge warning time (or Countdown), the Delay LED flashes, the
Evacuation (Extinguishing) Strobe/Sounder is ON, and the Activated LED blinks
When the delay expires, the Delay LED is switched OFF
In the default configuration, if the Inhibit input (Hold/Abort) is asserted, the extinguishing
process is inhibited.
Extinguishing Pulse Duration and the Activated
When the Pre Discharge Warning time (extinguishing delay) elapses, if the Inhibit input
is not asserted, or if the extinguishing delay is programmed to zero, the extinguisher is
triggered and the extinguishing pulse duration period is entered,
The default extinguishing pulse duration is 20 seconds.
In the extinguishing pulse duration period, the Extinguisher output, the Evacuation
Sounder/Strobe output, and the "Activated" LED are ON.
When the Extinguishing Pulse ends, the extinguisher output and the Activated LED are
switched OFF.
The Evacuation Strobe/Sounder remains ON.
Post Extinguishing Pulse, No Reset
After the extinguishing pulse ends, The ECD enters the Extinguishing Fault condition.
In this state, the General fault Led, the Extinguishing Zone fault LED, the Fault relay and
the Fault Dialer are all activated. This is done in order to alert the operator that the