TSA-200 / TSA-200XT / TSA-240 / TSA-240XT
© 2010 –
2014 Telefire Fire & Gas Detectors Ltd
Revision 1.06 July 2014
Page 54 of 79
See "
Control Panel Configuration and Programming
", page 57
Extinguishing Delay
The TSA-200 product family can be programmed for Delayed or Non Delayed
The extinguishing delay is also referred to as "Pre Discharge Warning Time".
In the default configuration, the CP is configured to 30 sec. extinguishing delay (from
starting the warning time, caused by triggering both detectors zones, to the start of the
Extinguishing Pulse), and no extinguishing delay for manual activation (PB) trigger.
Inhibit (Abort/Hold)
Sometimes, during the quiescent period or during the pre discharge warning time,
inhibiting the extinguishing process is required. This can be accomplished by activating
the Inhibit input, as long as the extinguisher has not been triggered.
The TSA-200XT and TSA-240XT support an Inhibit input and function, where the
assertion of the inhibit (Abort/Hold) input is latched until reset, and inhibits the
extinguishing process.
When the Abort/Hold input is asserted during extinguishing delay, the extinguishing
process is terminated, the Hold/Abort LED flashes, the Delay and the Activated LED
flash until the extinguishing delay elapses, when they are switched OFF, the
Extinguishing Strobe/Sounder is switched OFF, and the Fault state is entered. The
General Fault LED, Relay and Dialer flash, and the buzzer sounds the Fault signal (1/4).
The Extinguisher output is NOT ACTIVATED.
The Inhibit (Abort/Hold) input has no effect after Extinguishant release has started, but
the Abort/Hold LED flashes when the Inhibit input is asserted.
Abort/Hold and Manual Activation
If the CP is in the Pre Discharge Warning Time caused by detection zones
trigger, and then Hold/Abort is asserted, and then the Manual Trigger is
asserted, then the extinguishant is released immediately, regardless of
programmed delay of zones or of the Manual Trigger.
Pressure Switch
A pressure switch input is provided, as per "Monitoring the status of components –
EN 54 7.10.4- Fault monitoring of fire protection equipment (Option with Requirements)
This is intended to indicate low pressure of the extinguishing media, in systems that
have such a switch.
Pressing the Reset key resets the CP to the quiescent state if it is in the Fault (and the
fault fixed), Alarm, Pre Discharge Warning Time and Activated states.
After the extinguishing pulse ends, pressing reset clears the Alarm and Activated states,
but the Extinguishing Fault state remains
If all events and problems are cleared and resolved, reset reestablishes the quiescent
(or idle) state, with one exception.