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After 20 seconds or so, the phone will be rebooted: at this time you can refresh your screen by
reloading the web URL. Log back into the phone ( admin / admin
) to check that
your update was successful. The default page is Current Status you can check that the SIP Line
1 is indeed updated to the correct extension at the correct server.
Updating Firmware and Configurations via TFTP
The ongoing maintenance and swapping of TeleMatrix SIP phones in a hospitality setting
currently requires that the SIP sets retrieve a configuration file of xxxx.3300ip.txt from a
TFTP server.
Implementing the TFTP server resident in the Mitel 3300ICP allows that:
1. Phones can be setup simply from the room with a series of key presses.
2. Example placing/powering the phone and pressing 1234# will cause the phone to
retrieve 1234.3300ip.txt, which in this example is the phone’s config file.
3. Phones can receive firmware upgrades periodically when new features are added or
bugs are detected and fixed