TTF: This is the amount of time required to acquire a position. This does not
include GPS additional time.
Latt: Latitude
Long: Longitude
Altitude: Altitude, please note that this will not be very precise, your maps will
have more precise altitude data
PDOP: This is not actually a PDOP reading, it is a satellite signal strength
HDOP: Horizontal dilution of precision
VDOP: Vertical dilution of precision
Satt: The number of satellites acquired before the GPS module wrote the
position to memory. This includes satellites acquired during the GPS additional
Fix: No means that there was no location acquired. 2D means that it was a two
dimensional location, 3D means that it was a three dimensional location.
V1: The GPS battery voltage at the time the location was recorded. If no GPS
position is recorded this voltage reading can be incorrect.
V2. Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
T1: The temperature at the time the location was recorded. If no GPS position is
recorded this temperature reading can be incorrect.
T2: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
H1: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
H2: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
S1: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
S2: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
S3: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
S4: Not applicable to this product, disregard this column.
Map your data on Google maps
You may map your data onto Google maps through the Telemetry Solutions
1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Collar SW\data and remove the underscores
from the file name. You may also rename the file completely if you wish.
2. Open a web browser and navigate to
3. Enter your username (your email address) and your password.
4. Click upload file.
5. Choose the data file to upload.
6. Click the upload button.
7. Go back to upload another data file or close window.
8. Click reload list.
9. From the list of data files click on the green button next to the file that you
wish to map.
10. A Google map will appear. If you are zoomed out data points will be
grouped into a mass of points represented by blue balloons. Zoom in to
see the individual points.
11. Click the satellite button to view the data on a satellite map.