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MM-200_im REV M
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24. Adjust the OFF setting of set-point "x".
This command is "SSxFyyyy<cr>, where "x" is the PCR number for which it is desired to
set the dropout (de-energize) point, and yyyy" is the setting. Lead zeros, if any, must be
sent. The setting will be in microns for a thermocouple type gage, and will be in steps of
10E-6 for cold cathode gages. The response to this command is an "A" followed by a
25. Fetch the modular unit software version.
This command is "SV<cr>". The modular unit responds with "Ver n.nn<cr>", where n.nn is
the version number.
26. Change the baud rate for the RS232C interface.
This command is "SBl l<cr>". "l l" is a letter that is repeated for redundancy sake. The
baud rate changes according to the following table:
300 baud
600 "
1200 "
2400 "
4800 "
9600 "
The modular unit responds with an "A", and a "<cr>"
prior to changing it's baud rate. Any further communications must be performed at the new
baud rate. (See also #26).
27. Store all default values.
This command is "SE<cr>". When the baud rate is changed by the command given above,
this command should be given at the new baud rate, if it is desired for the modular unit to
be at the new baud rate after power has been removed and re-applied. Also, it should be
noted that the UNITS displayed when this command is given will be the default values and
will be those displayed after the next power off/on cycle. The response to this command is
an "A" followed by a
NOTE: All commands that do not require a response otherwise respond with an
"A" and a carriage return if properly recognized. Whenever any command is not
properly recognized. the Modular unit will respond with a question mark, "?"
followed by a carriage return. All other command responses end with a carriage