HE-21: User Guide
– Input type
(Delivery System)
This field allows the selection of a signal reception system among the different systems that
are compatible with each card. The options are: DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C and ISDBT.
– Frequency
Mandatory field, to be filled in with the frequency in Hertz (Hz).
– Bandwidth
A field in which to enter the signal bandwidth in Megahertz (MHz).
(Forward Error Correction)
An error correction mechanism which main characteristic is that it allows the correction to
take place without the need for information retransmission; it is therefore very useful in sys-
tems where contents cannot wait for data retransmission in order to be reproduced. Possible
values for this parameter depend on the type of module.
Since it is automatically detected, it is recommended that it remains in Auto mode.
– Modulation
The configuration values available for this parameter depend on the reception system:
* DVB-T/T2 : QPSK, QAM16, QAM64, QAM256, and Auto
* DVB-C : QPSK, QAM16, QAM32, QAM64, QAM128, QAM256
It is recommended that the Auto is selected whenever available.
– Guard interval
It is used to prevent signal echoes resulting from the reception of different reflections of the
signal caused by obstacles.
Since it is automatically detected, it is recommended that it remains in Auto mode.
– Transmission mode
It specifies the different DVB-T/T2 and ISDBT codings the module may receive. Possible con-
figurations are: 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K and Auto.
Since it is automatically detected, it is recommended that it remains in Auto mode.
– Polarization
(LNB Voltage)
Signal polarization refers to the behaviour in relation to the earth’s surface. That is to say,
vertical polarity (V) signals are transmitted at 90° in relation to the earth’s surface, while hor-
izontal polarity (H) signals are parallel to the surface of the earth.
A given voltage is supplied to the LNB in order to specify the desired polarization:
* Vertical polarization: 13 V
* Horizontal polarization: 18 V
A 0V option is available to prevent sending a signal to the LNB, for use in cases where signal
is already present and sending voltage may cause conflict.