HE-21: User Guide
Fig. 18: CAM menu example
Los menús disponibles dependen de cada CAM, no siendo generados por Televes.
Once we are done working with this menu, it is recommended that the connection with that CAM is
closed using the link provided underneath the command window.
3.2 Output streaming (Outputs)
This section describes how the output streaming works.
3.2.1 IP Streaming (IP)
This option, located inside the Outputs section of the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen,
allows the management of the services configured at the headend’s output. Namely the DV or DTV
services that have been assigned an IP address.
The list has two modules, one for Digital Television (DTV) and the other for Digital Video (DV).
Fig. 19: IP Output list
For each channel, the service list displays:
• Protocol, multicast IP address, and port that uniquely identifies each channel