53. Select the connection to be deleted by clicking on connection name.
54. Click
55. Click
to confirm the deletion.
Setting Start-up Connections
The TeleCLIENT TC7020 can be set to automatically connect to a server whenever a
session begins instead of using the default server.
To set automatic start-up connections, complete the following steps:
56. Select the Configure tab in the TeleCLIENT Connection Manager window.
57. Click
. The
Connection Startup
Figure 5.24 Connection Startup Window
58. Select one of the following Startup Options:
Make the selected connection the default connection – Enables the default
connection selected in the
TeleCLIENT Connection Manager
. The default
connection is the one highlighted when TeleCLIENT TC7020 powers on and
TeleCLIENT Connection Manager window appears.
Automatically start the selected connection at startup – Enables the TeleCLIENT
TC7020 to automatically connect to the selected in the
TeleCLIENT Connection
each time a user starts up TeleCLIENT TC7020.
59. Click
to save your changes.