32 Elkay Dr., Chester, New York 10918 (845) 469-4551.
Tele Vue
V i s i o n a r y
680mm f/5.3 IMAGING SYSTEM
Thank you for purchasing the Tele Vue-NP127fli. It has been our pleasure to craft this fine instrument for you.
Nearly thirty years ago, Al Nagler received a U.S. patent for a fast, refracting telescope design based on
Josef Petzval’s portrait camera lens concept. Petzval’s design uses widely spaced doublets to produce a
flat focal plane over a relatively narrow field of view, just the sort of field a fast telescope can see. Nagler’s
combination of flat-field, fast focal ratio, and unobstructed system lent itself perfectly for testing eyepieces.
The 5” f/4 MPT (Multi-Purpose Telescope) with its fast speed and wide, flat field, led to a series of
continuous improvements, primarily in color correction. The “Halley Commemorative,” 4” f/5.5 started
the parade where more advanced glasses including special dispersion, fluorite and fluorite substitute
glasses brought steady improvements. The 4” f/5 Genesis employed fluorite in the rear doublet, and the
subsequent SDF and Tele Vue-101 versions at f/5.4 brought us even closer to perfection. Maintaining
this fast f/5.4 speed while reducing tube length in a totally new design with new glasses allowed virtually
ideal color correction and improved field flatness in this, the ideal form culminating the 20 year refinement
toward perfection with the Nagler-Petzval 101, and NP127 with an even faster f/5.2 speed.
The Tele Vue-NP127fli is Tele Vue’s first dedicated imaging instrument. It was developed in collabo-
ration with Finger Lakes Instrumentation to provide you with, what we hope you will agree, is the easiest,
most carefree imaging setup you’ve ever used. The NP127is optics plus Large Field Corrector produce
an f/5.3 system that mates beautifully with the variety of CCD chips available in FLI’s Proline camera
series. The Atlas focuser with its incredible resolution of 85nm/step is also ideally matched to our optical
system. The patented Zero Tilt Adapter system ensures all components lock squarely together, while the
unique end-plate tilting feature allows for any final adjustment that might be necessary.
Operating Guide