User account ID
: the user account ID necessary for Contact ID reporting to CMS. The events
and, if using the TELLMon or TEX protocol, the supervision messages too, are sent to the
configured servers or receivers using the user account ID configured in this section.
The user account ID length is 4 hexadecimal characters and the following characters can be used:
0..9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
TEX group ID
: the CMS identifier in hexadecimal format. This is only required if the TEX protocol
is used for reporting to CMS. If you do not possess this identifier, please contact your reseller.
TEX device ID
: the device identifier in hexadecimal format. This is only required if the TEX protocol
is used for reporting to CMS. The length is 3 characters and the following characters can be used:
0…9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
SIA user account ID
: in case of using the SIA IP protocol, the supervision messages are sent to
CMS using the user account ID configured in this section. The length of the SIA user account ID
is 1 to 6 hexadecimal characters, and the following characters can be used: 0..9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
Do not fill in the account ID section with zeros!
Device name
: in this field you can enter a custom name for your
device. For the
model, the system will use this name in the subject of e-mail notifications.
Attention! The following characters should not be used: ^ ~ < > = ' " , | ? $ & %
The user account ID, group ID, device ID and SIA user account ID are only needed if
reporting to CMS is used.
System time
NTP server 1,2
: in this section you can select one of the default NTP servers or you can also
configure custom NTP servers which you wish to use for system time synchronization.
The device synchronizes the system time from the GSM network and if this fails, it will use the
NTP servers. If synchronization from the NTP servers also fails, it will synchronize the date and
time using the timestamp received from a CMS server/receiver, if CMS is used.
Time zone
: select the time zone according to the location of installation. The device adjusts the
system time according to the time zone setting. If the setting is wrong, there will be difference
between the system time and the local time and therefore the timestamps of the events will also
be wrong and the periodic test report will also be sent at the wrong time of day.
Date format
: using the drop-down menu you can select the date format used by the system for
the timestamp inserted in messages:
- yyyy.mm.dd. hh:mm:ss
- dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss