Alarm type events:
Alarm on:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by switching the alarm on. The
restore-event pair
of this event is ‘Alarm off’.
Alarm off:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by switching the alarm off. The
restore-event pair of t
his event is ‘Alarm switch on’.
Zone type events:
Zone detect:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by zone breach. The zone
can be selected by adding the event. The restore-
event pair of this event is ‘Zone detect
Zone detect release:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by zone breach
ceasing. The zone can be selected by adding the event. The restore-event pair of this
event is ‘Zone detect’.
Sensor type events:
Voltage limit over:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by supply voltage
raising above a certain threshold limit. Threshold limit can be entered by adding the
event. The restore-
event pair of this event is ‘Voltage limit under’.
Voltage limit under:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by supply voltage
decrease under a certain threshold limit. Threshold limit can be entered by adding the
event. The restore-
event pair of this event is ‘Voltage limit over’.
Temperature sensor limit over:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by
temperature raising above a certain threshold limit. Temperature sensor and threshold
limit can be chosen by adding the event. The restore-event pair of this event is
‘Temperature sensor limit under’.
Temperature sensor limit under:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by
temperature decrease under a certain threshold limit. Temperature sensor and threshold
limit can be chosen by adding the event. The restore-event pair of this event is
‘Temperature sensor limit over’.
Temperature sensor lost:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by ceasing
temperature sensor signals. The temperature sensor can be chosen by adding the
event. The restore-
event pair of this event is ‘Temperature sensor restored’.
Temperature sensor restored:
Actions, assigned to this event will be fulfilled by
restoring temperature sensor signals. The temperature sensor can be chosen by adding
the event. The restore-
event pair of this event is ‘Temperature sensor lost’.