TS1000BS Base Station User Menu
ground wire as possible. If bends in the ground wire are necessary, give
them as large a radius as practical.
Bring the transmission line off the tower with the sharpest bend permitted
by the manufacturer’s specifications, and make a solid bond between the
tower and the transmission line sheath just prior to the bend. The sharp
bend acts as high impedance to the extremely high strike current. This
shunting more of the strike current into the tower ground, rather than into
the equipment. Use no more and no less than the minimum bending radius
wherever the transmission line changes direction, and introduce a change of
direction at every reasonable opportunity; grounding the transmission line
sheath solidly at the antenna side of each bend in the transmission line.
Transmission line should be brought into the equipment cabinets adjacent to
the single point ground connection where a good low impedance bond can
be made to the transmission line sheath.
It is wise to take at least part of the transmission line through a length of
grounded conduit.
Install a gas tube protector between the equipment cabinet ground and AC-
neutral where it enters the equipment cabinet. Install gas tube protectors
where the control lines enter the building and at the point of entry into the
equipment cabinet. Also install gas tube protectors wherever control lines
enter a building, and install additional protectors as close as possible to the
remote control console.
Keep ground wires from gas tube protectors to ground rods or perimeter
grounds as short and straight as possible. Avoid sharp bends in ground
Never bundle a ground wire with any other cabling or wiring. Also, never
run as ground wire along any metal wall, along any electrical conduit, or
inside a conduit.