Virtual odometer as an I/O element can be also used with Trip feature, read chapter
Voice Functionality
FM5500 has functionality to receive and make voice calls. To enable this functionality a
telephone handset with electric microphone and RJ-11 connector must be connected to “Audio”
In “Global Parameters”, “Call Settings” section (Figure 19) there are four parameters: “Call
number”, “Call trigger”, “Ringtone”, and “Auto answer”. To initiate a call an appropriate digital
input has to be selected as a “Call Trigger”. To trigger the call selected input has to be connected
to the ground. When the call is triggered, FM5500 dials the number which is defined in “Call
Number” field. To initiate a call to FM5500 dial a number of the SIM card that is inserted in
FM5500. When FM5500 has an incoming call it can play a selected tone from the “Ringtone” list.
FM5500 will auto answer the call after number of rings defined in “Auto answer” field.
“Voice Settings” (Figure 19) section includes settings for “Microphone level” to regulate
microphone sensitivity and “Speaker level” to define how loud will be the speaker.
Figure 19 Voice and Call Settings
FM5500 has 4 profiles saved in Flash memory of the module. Every profile has a list of
parameters, which enables FM5500 to operate in different modes while using different profiles.
The easiest way to understand what is a profile is to compare it to a list of instructions that are
written for different cases. You are allowed to setup up to 4 different module behaviours. Global
parameters contain settings that are common for all 4 profiles. This means that if FM5500 is set
to call to predefined number, you will be able to call it while using any profile.
Profile 3 is default profile for FM5500 when SIM 1 Operator mode is enabled in Global
parameter „Profile change on“. It is always loaded on the very first start-up and further profile
switching is proceeded after operator scan or I/O element changes.
Switching between profiles (changing behaviour) can be performed by GSM Operator
(mostly used for roaming applications), or by Profile switching depending on I/O Event (on I/O
value changing).