In order to configure Trip SMS events click on Trip window and Enable Trip feature (figure 37).
Then go to GSM -> SMS -> SMS Events settings and Enable Trip SMS event. After enabling SMS
Events (figure 38), trip event will be triggered and message sent, when Trip starts (GNSS speed
exceeds the speed in Start Speed (ex. 5 km/h) and when Trip stops, that is ignition is turned off
longer then the time written in Ignition Off Timeout (ex. 60 seconds).
Figure 40 Trip Start/Stop SMS event configuration
Figure 41 Trip Start/Stop SMS event configuration
Geofence SMS event is triggered and message sent when the device exits and/or enters a
configured Geofence zone. The Geofence zone must be configured to generate an event On Exit,
On Enter or On Both (figure 39). If No Event is selected, then it is not possible to turn on SMS
events. If several zones are created then SMS events can be turned on separately for each zone
entering different text message.