Instructions for use and maintenance
Electric motors 50-400 V CA
Electrical connection
The electrical connection must be made by a qualified technician.
Check the integrity of the power and encoder cables before connecting it.
Use a flying connector compatible with the panel part fixed on the terminal box to cabling
the encoder and if present also the power one.
Verify that the driver to which the servo-motor is connected has been mapped to the
characteristics of the servo-motor.
Ensure that the power supply system of the servo motor is grounding.
Carefully attach grounding and shielding connections, also referring to the operation and
maintenance manual.
Motor license plate data refer to sinusoidal current supply.
If the power supply is of a different type (trapezoidal) it will be necessary to downgrade these
values as it is necessary to do in case the motor works in different conditions than those of test
(Temperatures above 40 ºC, height A.S.L. above 1000m, type of service other than S1).
Formulas and graphs to quantify the above quantities are available on request at our technical
In the next page are reported the connection diagrams: