GSM Gateway Interface DIAL-112
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The device is locked when at least one of two SIM card runs out of free credit (to avoid that when
DIAL-112 is committed by an outgoing call, it can be used for a second call even if the credit for the
second SIM card is full ), but the software makes sure that both the SIM being used to its
maximum (always choosing the SIM which has greater residual traffic).
Selecting the "P" ("Prepaid Setting"), is shown a mask that allows configuring the functionality of
prepaid traffic:
Enable prepaid traffic SIM setup:
enables control over the available minutes. The count of
minutes used is made even if you do not activate this feature (can be used for statistical
purposes to know how much each SIM is used).
Toll free minutes:
insert in this field the number of free minutes for each SIM card.
Month reset day:
if your contract provides that the number of free minutes are automatically
charged, here you can insert the day of the month in which the recharge is done (typically the
first day of each month). Note: because this function needs to know the exact current date, you
may need a DIAL-112 device with clock and battery (optional).
Computing time (sec):
indicates, in seconds, the unit of measurement used by the operator to
calculate the use of the SIM card. Typically this value is 60, meaning that the pricing is based
on multiples of 60 seconds (at the first second the operator will charge 1 minute, at 61
charge 2 minutes, etc.).
Block on end of credit:
indicates the action to take when the credit of one of two SIM reaches 0.
The device is not locked,
Any call in progress is hanged up,
“At end of call”
Any calls in progress are completed before block
device. Note: The block is at the physical level, so the PBX can no longer
use the connection of the gateway and to ensure that any calls will be
diverted to other GSM trunk. However, to allow any incoming calls to be
forwarded, set the option "At end of call" (doing so, the second ISDN channel
is activated, allowing again the system to make outgoing calls).
SMS on low credit:
it is possible to set a threshold, in minutes, below which you are alerted by
a SMS text message
SMS on end of credit:
similar to the previous parameter, you can be advised of the end of free
credit (if your contract provides the manual recharging or if you want to be informed that from
now the outgoing calls are not free of charge).