Multifunctional Broadband Router User Guide
2.11 Security Setting
Client Filter
To benefit your further
management to the computers
in the LAN, you can control
some ports access to Internet
by data packet filter function.
1. Click “Prohibit Only” or
“Permit Only”. When you click
“Prohibit Only”, you are only
forbidding the host in LAN with
the corresponding IP to go
through the router by the
corresponding port. When you
click “Permit Only”, you are
only allowing the host in LAN
with the corresponding IP to go
through the router by the
corresponding port.
3. IP: Please fill in the IP
address of the controlled
computer in the LAN. You are
able to use a range of IP
4. Port: Please fill in the
TCP/UDP protocol port that
you require to control, you can