Chapter 1 Introduction of T ADSL2+ Modem
............................................. 1
1.1Product Features............................................................. 1
1.2Unpacking ...................................................................... 2
1.3 Physical Environment Required ................................... 2
1.4 Introduction of External Components........................... 3
Chapter 2 T Hardware Installation ... 5
Chapter 3 T Internet Connection............... 7
3.1 RFC Static IP Mode to Internet..................................... 7
3.2 RFC1483 Dynamic IP Access Mode .......................... 10
4. FAQ
.................................... 15
4.1 Does ADSL2+ support share of Internet Access to
Internet in LAN? ............................................................... 15
4.2 How to set and obtain dynamic IP for LAN users? .... 16
4.3 I am now using ADSL service, can I use the ADSL2+
modem to have access to the Internet? ............................. 16