Double click on EvoPeopleCounter_1.0 to launch executable and Install
To launch the GUI double click on the icon “EvoPeopleCounter” on the Desktop
To launch with terminal information, right click on the icon and choose “Open file
Open a cmd terminal there and type the command: “cd ..” and then
Python\python.exe pkgs\main.py
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The GUI allows you to:
Set up the maximum and minimum range threshold of the people counting
Test in near real-time the behavior of Evo People Counter sensor and report the
status and counts related to its different modes
You can read the details of the GUI on Figure 11 below.
The GUI uses the concept of classic people counting and will show the number of
people that have entered a room or zone and the number of people that have left the
zone or room. A simple subtraction is made to display the number of people calculated
to be inside the room or zone, in real-time.
The sensor, however, has 3 outputs, including the calculated number of people inside,
the number of people counted in or the number of people counted out. Whilst we use
the term “In” and “Out” this could be substituted with the words left and right, signifying
people passing the sensor in one direction or another. In this way you can use the
sensor for classic people counting applications, but also for the simple measurement of
footfall in a corridor or other defined area.
Terabee 2021
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)
Once you update the parameters through the GUI (e.g. Presence Detection Mode or
thresholds with the sliders), these parameters are automatically pushed to the
TeraRanger Evo People Counter sensor