PCoIP Management Console User Manual Access Device Details
The MC maintains additional device details not shown on the Device Management page.
To access these details for an individual device execute the following steps.
1. Click on the device to display the summary device information dialog box.
2. Select the
Click to view Details
link in the summary device information dialog box.
Section 4.2.9 describes the features of the Device Details web page. Delete Device from Management Console Database
To delete a PCoIP device from the MC database execute the following steps.
1. Click on the device to display the summary device information dialog box.
2. Click on the
Delete this Device
link in the summary device window.
Note: All information maintained on the device by the MC is deleted. This includes the
device name, group, peering information and other information. View Device Event Log
All PCoIP devices maintain a persistent event log containing messages that may be
useful in diagnosing problems. To view a device’s event log execute the following steps.
1. Click on the device to display the summary device information dialog box.
2. Click on the
View Device Log
link in the summary device window.
Device Details
Section describes how to access the device details web page. Figure 4-12 shows
a Zero Client device details web page, which supports the following actions:
Display device configuration settings and status
Refresh the MC device configuration settings by querying the device
Write the current profile settings to the device
Open the device’s profile
Open a web browser connected to device’s web page
Open a web browser connected to device’s peer web page
View the device’s event log
TER0812002 Issue 5