5 - 18
DPL-25S • DPL-30S • DPL-35S Super Series
Part No. 40462
September 2016
Section 5 - Troubleshooting Flow Charts
Chart 7
Machine Will
Not Lift, But
Power Unit
Will Operate -
DC Models
Be sure the power
unit reservoir is full
and the breather cap
has been installed.
Be sure the manual
lowering cable is
properly adjusted.
While pushing in the
control activate switch
and activating the up
function, hold both
switches and check for
input voltage at the N.O.
valve coil on the power
unit. Put Pos. lead of the
voltage meter on the
white wire and Neg. lead
on the green/yellow
grounding wire.
12V DC
Check the resistance of
the N.O. valve coil.
Replace the N.O. valve
7 ohms
Replace or repair the
white wire between the
motor contactor coil and
the N.O. valve coil
because of an open
Tee in a 3000 psi
pressure gauge at the
pressure port fitting
(stamped P) of the power
unit. Push in the control
activate switch, activate
the up function, hold both
switches and check the
1800 to
2000 psi
less tnan 1800 psi
Inspect the mast
assemblies for a
mechanical bind such as
foreign objects that could
have fallen in between
the columns.
On the power unit,
remove the return to tank
hose off of the T port
fitting and plug the hose
fitting, leaving the 3000
psi gauge teed in at the P
port fitting. Push in the
control activate switch,
activate the up function,
hold both switches and
check the pressure.
less than 1800 psi
1800 to
2000 psi
Activate the up function
and check for voltage at
the N.C. down valve coils
(yellow wire) at the barrel
end of each lift cylinder.
Continued on the next
12V DC
Replace defective N.O.
contact block for down
function in the platform
control box.
Remove the N.C. down
valves and inspect for
contamination or damage
OR consult Genie
Industries Service