5.2 M30 x 1.5
5.2.1 Screw the TRV smart radiator thermostat di-
rectly onto the radiator if the connector type is M30
x 1.5(picture shown as below). You can adjust the
angle to make the screen facing the viewer properly.
5.2.2 Rotate the thermostat dial to the maximum
value, the max value may be 6 or 8.
5.2.3 Check the is active
5.2.4 Install the device.
5.3 Danfoss RAVL Valve
5.3.1 Check the is active
5.3.2 The valve bodied have elongated notches
around their circumference, which ensure that the
adapter is properly seated when it snaps on: snap on
the adapter completely,so that the pins inside the