5 Parameterizing, adjusting and analyzing software (P2A software)
Parameterizing, adjusting and analyzing
software (P2A software)
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The P2A software is used for the parameterizing, adjustment and
analysis of testo transmitters. The following applies:
Generally, all newer testo transmitters (as of 2007) are
Included with every testo transmitter that is bought new is a CD
that contains a free upgrade of the software, which includes the
device drivers for all transmitters that can be attached at this
This upgrade can be downloaded at any time via the testo
homepage "www.testo.com/Download/P2A".
The software must only be bought one time, even for owners of
several testo transmitters.
Functions and use
In the P2A software, two different file types are used: The
instrument and the parameter file.
Instrument file
The parameters of a particular transmitter are stored in its so-called
instrument file. Using this file, the parameters can be edited and the
instrument can be tested and adjusted.
Instrument files also contain the respective histories in addition to
the parameter data, i.e. "log books" are kept for the previous
parameterizations, adjustments and messages (see Transmitter
history page 69).
Instrument files are ".cfm" format files.
Parameter file
Parameter files are not tied to a specific individual transmitter and
contain only parameter data/no history data.
If you use various instruments of the same type, you can create
parameter files once (e.g. by saving the appropriate instrument file
as the parameter file) and transmit these onto the other